If there’s one organisation in Australia that consistently makes me lose my Christmas cheer then it has to be Australia Post.
Yesterday we popped in to a local Post Office to buy some Christmas stamps, for Christmas cards believe it or not, not that big an ask surely?
There were two men serving but only one seemed to be able to serve at a time.
The one not serving asked me what I wanted (even though he couldn’t serve me) I explained and he told me they didn’t have any Australian Christmas stamps. What on the 9th December you don’t have any Christmas stamps? You’re a Post Office right?
In Australia stamps are sold for domestic and overseas markets at a slightly discounted rate at Christmas. Something about Christmas spirit, the joy of giving and all that, I understand.
He offered to sell me normal domestic stamps (more expensive), but that of course defeats the object of the discounted Christmas rate.
Any Christmas stamps for overseas cards? Of course not. And this is where my beef really begins.
Previously, each year we would send approximately 50 Christmas cards overseas, yes it was a bit pricey but it was our way of keeping in touch with people at a special time of year. The least we could do.
But last Year Australia Post decided to hike the price of Christmas stamps overseas (the UK is now lumped under a Rest of the World category) by 54%. It was $1.65 a card but suddenly it rose to $2.55!
@auspost All our cards are charity ones – we try to do our bit. Now these will lose out too… pic.twitter.com/tCq6JeZ6LZ
— Ann Lund (@Landunn) December 2, 2013
We made the difficult decision that it would be the last year we would probably send a large amount of cards overseas and that’s exactly what has happened.
This year we’re only sending cards to friends and family who are not on social media or have no email contact. That’s just 17 cards, but a saving of $84.
The ironic thing is Australia Post is struggling as a business but at the very time we’re encouraged to think about giving, it’s putting people off using its services.
I’m sure we’re not the only people feeling this way.
And what really hurts is the Christmas cards we buy and send are all charity cards, so if we all stop sending cards there has to be a financial impact on these charities as well.
What we’ve decided to do is take our $84 saving, round it up somewhat and give it to a charity anyway.
You’re not stealing our Christmas spirit Australia Post!
Just saying… Happy Christmas.
Cassandra P said:
Australia Post is such a pain to deal with these days it’s mind-boggling. It’s frustrating that as an organisation it’s become so dysfunctional and short-sighted.
I’ve made changes both personally and to the administrative processes in my office this year specifically to reduce my use of Australia Post, it’s become that bad.
This year will be the first year my firm will send no postal Christmas cards. We’ve switched entirely to e-cards.
I used to love sending personal Christmas cards; as you say it’s a lovely way to keep in touch and I guess I get a little old-fashioned and sentimental at this time of year, but Australia Post is seriously killing my Christmas spirit!